Deep Live Cam

Real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image

Deep Live Cam

Deep Live Cam Features

Real-time Face Swap and One-Click Video Deepfake

Deep Live Cam is a cutting-edge application that transforms your face into anyone's in real-time, creating astonishingly realistic video deepfakes with just a single image.

Scambio facciale in tempo reale
Scambia istantaneamente il tuo viso con quello di un'altra persona nei feed video in diretta, creando esperienze divertenti e interattive.
Deepfake video in un clic
Genera facilmente video deepfake di alta qualità caricando un'unica immagine del viso del tuo obiettivo.
Riconoscimento avanzato del viso
Rileva e traccia accuratamente le caratteristiche facciali, garantendo scambi facciali senza soluzione di continuità e dall'aspetto naturale.
Interfaccia utente amichevole
Controlli semplici e intuitivi rendono l'app accessibile agli utenti di tutti i livelli di competenza.

How to use Deep Live Cam

Step 1: Select a face
Step 1: Select a face
First, select the face you want to replace.
Step 2: Click live
Step 2: Click live
After configuring the relevant switches, click live
Step 3: Wait for a few second
Step 3: Wait for a few second
Wait a few seconds, you will receive the result.

How to install Deep Live Cam

    • python (3.10 recommended)
    • pip
    • git
    • ffmpeg
    • visual studio 2022 runtimes (windows)
  2. Then put those 2 files on the models folder

  3. Then put those 2 files on the models folder

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    DONE!!! If you dont have any GPU, You should be able to run roop using python command. Keep in mind that while running the program for first time, it will download some models which can take time depending on your network connection.

Frequently asked questions

What is Deep Live Cam?

Deep Live Cam is real-time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image.

Can Deep Live Cam be used for free?

Of course, Deep Live Cam is born by combining multiple excellent open-source projects.

How to use Deep Live Cam?

As long as you check the tutorials provided on this website, you can quickly use Deep Live Cam.

Can Deep Live Cam perform real-time face swaps?

That's right, this is the most important feature of this project

Su quali piattaforme si può utilizzare Deep Live Cam?

Finché Python è supportato, la maggior parte delle piattaforme e dei computer può utilizzare Deep Live Cam